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7. Platz gesamt, Int. BGV-Hundseck-Berglauf, 9,7km mit 750Hm in 1:03:54h, 14.5.2022
4. Platz gesamt, Altstadtlauf Weinheim, 10km mit 130Hm in 46:12min, 8.5.2022
2. Platz gesamt, Waldhägenich Lauf Bühl-Oberweier, 10km in 42:00min, 6.11.2021
2. Platz gesamt, Merkurlauf Baden-Baden, 9,5km mit 500Hm in 49:00min, 9.10.2021
Geburt unseres Sohnes am 1.8.2020 :-)
3. Platz gesamt (2. Platz AK40), Jog and Rock Bensheim, 10km in 41:59min, 29.09.2019
1. Platz und Gesamtsiegerin der Pfungstädter Laufserie (7 Wertungsläufe) 2019
1. Platz gesamt (1. Platz W40), Heegbachlauf Erzhausen, 6,4km in 25:30min, 8. September 2019
2. Platz gesamt (1. Platz W40), Halber Heiner Lauf, 10,6km in 45:54min, 31. August 2019
13. Platz gesamt (1. Platz W40), Viernheim Vcard Triathlon, in 2:23:34h, 25. August 2019
5. Platz gesamt (2. Platz W40) Gernsheimer Fischerfestlauf, 10km in 41:36min, 3. August 2019
2. Platz gesamt (2. Platz W40), Ziehl-Abegg Sprint Triathlon (500/21/5) in 1:11h, 21. Juli 2019
2. Platz gesamt (1. Platz W40) Dreieich-Waldlauf bei 38 Grad, 10km in 43:01min, 29. Juni 2019
1. Platz gesamt (1. Platz W40) Traisa-Nightrun 5,5km bergig in 23:38min, 15. Juni 2019
3. Platz gesamt (1. Platz W40) Melibokuslauf, 10km bergig in 47:27min, 9. Juni 2019
1. Platz gesamt (1. Platz W40) Halbmarathon Springe-Deister in 1:31:48h, 23. März 2019
4. Platz gesamt (2. Platz W40) 10km Lauf Seligenstadt in 42:01min, 19. Januar 2019
1. Platz uns Gesamtsiegerin des Bergstraßen Cups 2018
6. Platz gesamt (AK Platz 1) Heddesheimer Meile, 7,7km in 30:28min, 31. Dezember 2018
6. Platz (W40), Rheinzabern Winterlaufserie #1, 10km (Schnee/Eis) in 43:12min, 16. Dezember 2018
4. Platz gesamt (Frauen Elite), SUZUKI Lake Run Hindernislauf in 2:44:26h, 11.November 2018
5. Platz gesamt (2. Platz W40), 10km Herbstlauf Weinheim, 30. September 2018
2. Platz gesamt, (1. Platz W40) 10km "Jog and Rock" Bensheim in 42:34min, 23. September 2018
4. Platz gesamt, 5km Firmenlauf "Bad Homburg runs after work" in 20:30min, 5. September 2018
13. Platz gesamt, (2. Platz W40) Triathlon Sprint Mussbach in 1:06h, 3. Juni 2018
8. Platz gesamt, (1. Platz W40) Dämmermarathon Mannheim in 3:34h, 13. Mai 2018
1. Platz gesamt, Altstadtlauf Weinheim in 45:23min, 29. April 2018
5. Platz gesamt (2. Platz W40) Weinstrassen Marathon in 3:31h, 15. April 2018
3. Platz gesamt Hemsbach Altstadtlauf 5x2000m Staffel, 14. April 2018
10. Platz gesamt (2. Platz W40) Kandel Halbmarathon in 1:32:51h, 11. März 2018
7. Platz gesamt Volksbank Kurpfalzlauf Schriesheim (10km) in 42:42min, 3. März 2018
12. Platz gesamt (2. Platz W40) Rheinzabern Winterlaufserie (20km) in 1:27:43h, 11. Februar 2018
RACE SEASON 2017 (ab hier ohne Profilizenz)
5th overall Heddesheimer Meile (7,7km) / 2nd AK 30 Seniorinnen in 30:52min, 31. Dezember 2017
3rd overall / 2nd Age Group, Ironman Vichy (Amateurwettkampf), in 10:06:29h, 27. August 2017
3rd overall Waldviertler Eisenmann Mitteldistanz, in 5:04:20h, 12. August 2017
11th overall Getting Tough The Race, 24km Obstacle Run, 3. Dezember 2017
DNF Ironman Barcelona nach 3,8-180-28km, 2. Oktober
5th overall Weinheimer Herbstlauf Halbamathon (21,1km), 25. September in 1:34:06h
1st overall Eislek Duathlon (5/90/21,1), 17. September in 5:06:06h
1st overall Cologne226, 4. September in 10:06:34h
1st overall Internationaler Breisgau Triathlon Malterdingen Mitteldistanz, 21. August in 4:41h
5th Elite Powerman Ulm / Vize-Deutsche Meisterin Elite Duathlon Langstrecke, 7. August in 4:52:33h
11th overall Heartbreak Triathlon Heidelberg, 31. Juli in 2:35h
11th Elite/5th German Championships Ironman Frankfurt, 3. Juli in 9:53h
11th overall 70.3 Luxembourg (Duathlon 5/90/21,1), 18. Juni in 4:40h
3rd overall Bonn Duathlon, 12. Juni in 3:26:06h
4th overall Mussbach Triathlon, 5. Juni in 2:30h
1st overall Löwentriathlon Hachenburg, 28. Mai in 1:18:14h
2nd overall Heidesee-Triathlon Forst, 8. Mai in 1:38:53h
3rd overall POWERMAN Luxembourg, 1. Mai in 3:35h
5th overall Bienwald-Marathon Kandel in 3:12:13h
4th overall Mörfelden Halbmarathon in 1:28:10h
14km Frankfurt Marathon-Staffel in 57:38min (4:07'/km). 25th Oct
2nd overall Triatlon Cabo de Gatar Nijar 2015 (1,9-80-19) in 4:44:23h, 18th Oct
9th overall Challenge Almere-Amsterdam 2015 (3,8-180-42,2) in 10:01h, 12th Sept
10th overall Challenge Walchsee-Kaiserwinkl 2015 (1,9-90-21,1) in 4:49:34h, 23rd August
6th overall Challenge Denmark 2015 (3,8-180-42,2) in 9:53:55h, 13th June
2nd overall Heideseetriathlon Forst (1-32-7,5) in 1:36:19h, 17th May
Rheinzabern Winterlauf #3 (20km) in 1:20:38h (4. Platz gesamt)
Rheinzabern Winterlauf #2 (15km) in 1:00:31h (6. Platz gesamt)
Rheinzabern Winterlauf #1 (10km) in 40:57min
13th overall ETU European Championships MD // Challenge Mallorca-Paguera (1,9-90-21,1) in 5:02:41h, 18th Oct
4th overall ETU European Championships LD // Challenge Almere-Amsterdam (3,8-180-42,2) in 9:56h, 13th Sept
2nd overall Baden-Württembergische Championships/International Breisgau Triathlon (2-80-21) in 4:38:12h, 24th Aug
16th overall (12th Pro) (3,8-180-42,2) Ironman Austria in 9:50:10h, 29th Jun
4th overall Maxdorf MD (2-85-20) in 4:42:08h, 8th June
6th overall Mussbach OD in 2:28:28h, 1st June
Vize-German Champion/3rd overall Powerman Germany/GER Duathlon Championships (16-64-8) in 4:12:44h, 18th May
4th overall hilly 10,4km Run Weinheim in 42:47min, 10th May
2nd overall Halfmarathon St Leon Rot in 1:28:03, 4th May
16th overall (12th Pro) (3,8-180-42,2) Ironman New Zealand in 10:19:40h, 1st Mar
2nd overall and ETU Vize-European Champion (3,8-180-42,2) Challenge Vichy in a new PB of 9:30:43h, 1st Sept
2nd overall Baden-Württembergische Championships/International Breisgau Triathlon (2-80-21) in 4:41:03h, 18th August
3rd Elite German Triathlon Championships Challenge Roth (3,8-180-42,2) // 8th overall in 9:37:38h, 14th July
1st overall Tri-Pfalz (1,9-90 (1200Hm)-21) in 4:48:40h. 12th May
2nd overall Bienwald Marathon Kandel with a PB of 3:02:33h (4:16'/km pace); 10th Mar
4th overall // 1st in agegroup 20km Rheinzabern winter-run in 1:19:31h (3:58/km pace); 10th Feb
5th overall // 1st in agegroup 15km Rheinzabern winter-run in 59:08min (3:56/km pace); 13th Jan
2nd overall Halfmarathon Weinheim in 1:28:10h, 30th Sept
12th overall Challenge Roth// 10th ETU European Championships in 9:34:20, 8th July
4th overall BASF Firmencuplauf Hockenheimring 4,8km in 17:30 min, 22nd June
3rd overall // 1st in agegroup OD Mussbach in 2:22:31 h; 3rd June
1st overall Marburg Marathon in 3:06:33 h; 3rd March
5th overall // 1st in agegroup 15km Rheinzabern winter-run in 59:17min (3:57/km pace); 8th Jan
5th overall // 1st German Female Challenge Henley-on-Thames (3,8-180(1800HM)-42,2) in 10:25, Sept 18th
6th overall Challenge Walchsee-Kaiserwinkl (1,9-90-20,2) in 4:42:41, Sept 4th
5th overall BASF Rhein-Neckar-Cup 2011
10th overall RhN-Cup #5, Viernheim (1,5-46(900HM)-10 in 2:44:27, Aug 21st
7th overall RhN-Cup #4, Heidelberg (1,5-35(800HM)-10(160HM) in 2:24:56), July 31st
6th overall Rhein-Neckar-Cup #3, Ladenburg (1,5-42-10 in 2:27:01h), July 23rd
9th overall // 3rd German Female Challenge Roth, (3,8-180-42,2 in 9:47:13), July 10th
5th overall Rhein-Neckar-Cup #2, Maxdorf, (2-85-20 in 4:31:18h), June 12th
2nd overall Rhein-Neckar-Cup #1, Mussbach, (1,5-41-10 in 2:26:01h), June 5th
3rd overall 10km Altstadtlauf Weinheim (40:10min), May 7th
2nd overall 10km Lauf Groß-Gerau (38:37min), March 5th
6th overall Challenge Barcelona-Maresme (10:10h), October 3rd
6th overall Challenge Walchsee-Kaiserwinkl (4:43h), September 5th
4th overall Rhein-Neckar-Cup 2010 (Römerman+Heidelbergman+Viernheim Vcard)
7th overall Viernheim Vcard Triathlon (2:40h), August 22nd
1st overall Maibach Sprint Triathlon (1:00h), August 15th
4th overall Rhein-Neckar-Cup Heidelberg "Heidelbergman" (2:19h), August 1st
4th overall Rhein-Neckar-Cup Ladenburg "Römerman" (2:24:18h), July 24th
3rd Female overall BASF Firmen Cup, Hockenheim Ring (4,8km in 18:19min), June 30th
14th overall Challenge Kraichgau 2010 (4:51h) May 16th
2nd overall Auckland Halfironman 2010 (4:56h) March 20th
5th overall Challenge Wanaka 2010 (10:25h) January 16th
DNF Ironman Western Australia (Busselton) December 5th
5th at the Arthur Lydiard "Legend Marathon" on September 19th (3:20h)
16th overall Challenge Roth July 12th 2009 (10:08:04h), 7th place German Longdistance Championships
5th overall Challenge Kraichgau June 14th 2009 (4:49h); Fastest German Female across the finish line :)
1st at the Auckland City Triathlon Club Championships April 26th 2009 (2:10:30h)
3rd female overall at the Auckland Halfironman on March 28th 2009 (4:50h)
9th Professional Female (11th overall) at Ironman New Zeland March 7th 2009 (10:01:37h)
Bronze medal and 4th place Elite (5th overall) at the Tri Nz National Champs Port of Tauranga Halfironman Jan 2009 (4:35h)
2nd overall (1st in age group) Tinman November 30 (2:20h icluding a flat tire)
23rd overall (6th in Age Group) Quelle Challenge Roth July 13 (10:25h)
Mechanical DNF New Zealand Duathlon Champs June 2008
2nd overall Auckland Half Ironman 5th April 2008 (5:03h)
14th overall (11th Pro) Ironman New Zealand 1st March 2008 (10:31h)
3rd overall Challenge Wanaka 19th January 2008 (10:32:39h)
2nd overall Rotorua Half Ironman 15th December 2007 (5:01h)
1st overall Peoples’ Triathlon Mareatai (Auckland) 25th November 2007 (2:17h)
6th overall CologneClassic, 2nd fastest bike split (90km in 2:23h) September 2007 (4:47h)
8th Pro-category (17th overall) Wiesbaden 70.3 August 2007 (5:16h)
4th overall Viernheimer “VCard” Triathlon (2:43h) August 2007
6th overall “Roemerman” in Ladenburg (2:32h) July 2007
2nd overall Auckland Half Ironman, in 4:54:23, Mar 31, 2007
4th overall Challenge Wanaka (3,8-180-42,2), 11:26:21h January 2007 --> first longdistance triathlon/erste Langdistanz
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